Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Moving time again

As July nears its time to wrap up yet another base tour. We came to Ft. Benning with tons of plans to do stuff and get things done, but ended up working like dogs... Chon spent many countless days getting up at 4am and coming home from work at 11pm only to get back up and go back in at 4am the next day. He spent weeks gone training soldiers and missed out on holidays, birthdays, and other important events. I went into the nursing program with every intention that it was going to be easy and time would fly by and I could be done and bring in some extra cash for the family. 1 year later and many late nights studying and stressing out I ended that journey of my life. I had to sacrifice time spent with my children but always promised myself I would make it up to them with a vacation. Finally we got the news that it was time to move again. I look back at the time spent here in Georgia and wonder how on earth we did it. We struggled , we cried, we argued, we laughed and we loved. So now its time to say goodbye to whats been our home for 4 years now. The kids have watched friends come and go, and are looking forward to moving to hawaii. For Antonio its a homecoming. He was born there and is looking forward to living there again. As for me , I'm going there with mixed feelings, I love Hawaii and I am looking forward to going as well , I always like a change. But I know that with this move comes a deployment for my husband to Iraq. When we arrive in September he will have to leave shortly after to Iraq for a year. Although I am hopeful that he will come back safe and sound there is never a guarentee. So what will this new move bring for me? for my family? Only God knows....


  1. How exciting and scary too! I'll be praying for a smooth transition to Hawaii and for you to be a great "single" mom for Chon's year in Iraq. I know how hard it is for me when Tim is working 12 hour days and all the child raising falls on my shoulders, so I don't envy you there. I'll be praying!! Hang in there!

  2. Oh, Simon's culture came back postive for staph so we'll continue the anti-biotics. It's been getting better since he started them Sunday. Thanks for your insight :)

  3. Thats good to hear, I'm glad he is feeling better , just wanted to let you know that it probzbly wasnt your fault that it got worse. I know how guilt can set in. I'm coming up to OH soon maybe we can get together or you can come to HI to visit me :)

  4. Wow--a move to Hawaii! That's exciting! I know that it has to come with some dread for you with Chon leaving; hopefully the year in paradise will fly by and he'll be home in no time!
