Friday, October 9, 2009

A Birthday to remember

My birthday this year fell on what was probably one of the worst days Ive had in a long time. It was our first day at our clinical site in our second quarter. We were going to a real hospital this time, no nursing home. As the day progressed I just became more and more overwhelmed by the medical language. It was like people were speaking a foreign language all of a sudden. In short , the whole charting our work in medical jargon was killing me, I could do the job but would completely blow the paperwork. I started to second guess whether or not I could do this as a career. After all if I was lost and confused on day one , it would only get worse. I left the hospital the first day in tears, thinking this might have to be my last day. But then a ray of hope shown thru, my mom had sent me a birthday card that day and she called me that evening and we talked about how things were going, she calmed my fears and made me smile, just what moms are supposed to do. Later that night I read my birthday card, it was signed "from Mom and dad, with Love and pride." I thought to myself, wow someone is really actually proud of me? That is the first time I have ever heard that word I think used. I was so happy that someone actually believed in me that I dug down and found the confidence I needed to continue on in class. I still get a bit queasy heading up to the hospital knowing that I'm going to be meeting a complete stranger to take care of, but its getting better.


  1. Cut yourself some slack and remember that this is just the beginning of a long career. Just take it day by day and you'll be surprised at how far you get!!

  2. I'm glad the day ended well! I'm sure they are very proud of you-for going back to school as well as raising your family!

    Happy Belated Birthday!
