Thursday, May 6, 2010

stress, stress and more stress!

Its been so hectic here that I've hardly found time to breath let alone clean or sleep. We are going to classes 5 days a week now and are doing another one online. We've got papers due everyday and we are going to different places every day. To top off the month, I'm a week late for my monthly gift and after chewing off all my nails in anticipation( we are using a book to choose the gender thing) of possibly being pregnant, I was left with a negative in the window. Ive taken about 3 and still have not started my period and I'm usually on time , Ive never been this late ever.... so I went to the clinic and I should find out tomorrow what the blood tests says, I'm posting this on here because I have chosen to keep this matter private from family and I know they never read this lol. Any suggestions on what it could be causing this miss? I am thinking it could be stress, but Ive had stress now for a while so I'm ruling that out, next up would be cervical cancer, since Ive had a leap in the past and failed to keep up with annuals once I got into the program. Just too much going on right now and no answers to anything ... its killing me.


  1. Wow--that's potentially big news. It could be a baby and it could equally be stress. I've known lots of gals who have been many weeks late and it was from extraordinary amounts of stress. I've also known lots of gals who have been pregnant and not tested positive on a home pregnancy test until well into their second trimester.

    How's that for helping out? HA!

    I wouldn't rush to judgment about illness--that's rpetty far fecthed and the absolute least likely possibility.

  2. I'd say it's due to stress since the tests have come up negative. You've certainly been burning the candle at both ends lately! The results of the blood test will at least give you a definate on the pregnancy idea, don't worry about past that at this point.

    Sending prayers your way!

  3. results are in , blood test was negative.... I'm okay with that but I wish I would start so I could get back on schedule for another atempt, chon leaves for iraq in september and this method thing takes time lol and yes Dee that did comfort me to know people are weeks or even months late. whew ty guys
