Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Big Yard Sale!

Every year on post they do a post-wide yard sale and this May is it. Ive been thinking about what I want to put in and what I need to put in , and I think we have quite a bit we could sell, mostly clothes and toys but there are a few other things I am putting in. I'm just hoping for no rain . lol My problem is everytime I think I could sell something , I think man I could give this to so and so , they might need one of these. Anyone else have that problem? At any rate, I'm going to have to hold back and just sell things.


  1. The main thing is to just get it out of your house! Either way, yard sale or give to someone or truck it all to goodwill, just get it gone so you don't have to deal with it!

    Now me, I'm too lazy for a garage sale! I give it to my sister if it's boys clothes or take it to Goodwill/Salvation Army/Veterens/Freecycle or where ever else will take it!

    But if you can make a little cash on the yard sale, more power to you!

  2. We've done a few garage sales and honestly, we put them together THE NIGHT BEFORE the event because we're not organized enough to get ready ahead of time. HA! And we've always made at least $100, usually considerably more.

    Also, by getting stuff together the night before, we don't give ourselves time to mull ove whether or not an item should be sold. We just put it out there and see what happens.
