Sunday, February 22, 2009

How do they do it?

I am positively stumped how a kids only 3 feet tall can wreck an entire room in like 5 seconds. Last night he emptied an entire box of Q-tips out in my bedroom. It looked like it snowed in there! lol Then today while I was doing dishes I noticed it was rather quiet when I found him he had drew with red permanent marker all over his body and face. So this evening it was to no suprise that I found my bedroom yet again the site of disaster.... He had taken every crayon I had and broken them and thrown them all over my room. I thought you all would enjoy seeing this so I took a few pics of it. As you can see being a mess master is hard work. lol


  1. He looks so ornery!

    I think it might be a boy thing!

  2. How funny! I guess I'm in for it with Alex, huh?? :)
