Friday, May 29, 2009

school is out and it's time for summer

School ended on Wednesday here and kids are already cramming in as much playtime as possible and for me that means tons of added work. Since Chon's back to being a Drill Sgt. and they just picked up their new batch of troops I wont be seeing from him for about a week or two. This means its just me to get everything done. There are some good things that are coming out of this summer though, Mom is allowed to come down and visit us, and they made the outdoor swimming pool on post FREE this year so I am taking the kids every weekend to go swimming since I wont have class on Saturdays. Wyatt is enjoying his summer days playing as well as school. While summer has gotten off to a rocky start with me hitting a piece of metal on the road and blowing out the tire on our car, I think we will be okay and I'm hoping that my interview for the LPN program went better than my sonography one and I get in this July. I always enjoy summer time so much, being outdoors talking with family, playing games going to watch the kids play baseball, grilling out, there is so much to do and not enough time, and with Tonio turning 10 this next month its getting harder to figure out that boy by the second. lol So enjoy your summer months!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Helping out a friend in need

As you all know, I was up in Ohio this past week, visiting my mom. They were absolutely shocked that I showed up. The day of the surgery arrived and I could tell she was nervous. My Dad, brother, sister, and her brother and sister all went down to the hospital with her. I wanted to go but knew that I could better server her by taking my grandmother who's 88 now, down when she wanted to go. So I helped take care of her all day. As we sat in the waiting room at Miami Valley Hospital, talking and telling stories, I wondered how the operation was going and what kind of news we would get. There were people there with clearly bad news so you kind of expect it. I mean after all people don't come to the surgery ward in the ICU area for minor stuff. When the doctor finally did come back to let us know the surgery was done he asked us to come to a debriefing room. I knew my grandma didn't want to go by the worried look on her face and my Uncle didn't either, he was way to upset I think. They were gone for a long time, and when they finally appeared none of them looked happy, so we assumed the worse, but turns out everything went okay. We spent the next 5 hours waiting in the waiting room for her to be brought to her room in the ICU and plugged in and stuff, finally we got to go back in groups of twos. It was a very long day, but the next day and the few days following we went back. Just me and my Dad went the next couple of days but I was there every step of the way. After all , she is my best friend. I was sad to leave before she got to come home but she was doing great and got to come home the next day! They told her that the tumor was not related to her breast cancer and just lucky that they found it. It was also benign(not cancerous). So her prognosis is good. I'm really hoping next trip up will be more lighthearted and I can come and visit some of you. But I wanted to let you know that the doctors said they had never seen anyone her age recover that fast from brain surgery so those prayers must have worked well. Thank you !

Thursday, May 7, 2009

capturing time

As I've told some of you already, my mom , whom most of you have met, found out this past week that she has a large tumor in the back lower part of her head. They don't know weather it is cancerous yet but it is rather important that she have it removed immediately since it is pushing on her brain. Like a mother usually is she called me all calm and collected to tell me but from the moment she started talking I knew it was something she was worried about. At that point I had to make some discussions, should i travel up to OH ( a 12 hour trip) to be there with her?, I really wanted to, but we don't have any spare cash right now, since we are working so hard to pay back our debt. Everything is budgeted. I spent the evening praying and asking God for the surgery to go well. I don't want her to know how nervous I really am about her surgery, but I know the complications to this surgery could kill her. And she just recovered from her breast cancer a few years ago. And while I sit thinking of all the uncomfortable moments to come, spending time alone with my Dad, talking to my brother, seeing my sister, I know I have to do this for her, Because I know she would do it for me. I wanted to document this event now because I might not feel up to it for a while and will loose the details of the event. For those of you interested , I'll post updates on her when she has the surgery on the 13th. Please keep her in your prayers and thoughts.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Cancelling events

Our family has always had emotional issues when doing anything, so as a result we rarely do family events together. I tend to avoid them for the sake of loosing it in public, I hate having to yell or get stared at in public. So going out to eat, going bowling, camping, anything is a real effort for me. I found out that my husband planned on taking us to the gulf of Mexico in Florida for our anniversary this next coming week and It hurt me that he planned this event knowing that I am absolutely appalled by my body and to get into a bathing suit is like walking around naked to me. All the stares and whispering is enough to kill me honestly. So instead of it being a joyous and thoughtful event, it was a painful and heartbreaking one. I immediately went to work asking him to cancel it, telling him we don't have the cash for this trip, partly because we don't. and that I thought it was unfair since he kept telling me I couldn't go home because of the cash situation but we could go to Florida.... Basically I laid on the guilt.... big time.... which is something I am very good at doing to myself . I know I am the only one responsible for loosing the weight, but some times my depression gets the best of me and I cop out. So finally last night after 2 nights of quilting he caved in and said yeah we don't need to go on the trip, we can just do something here, (the sad part was , I didn't even want that, I just wanted to go about my week normally and forget it all together) " sure " I told him. Looking back , I guess I should have let it go, after all its his anniversary too, I could have suffered thru it as I usually do.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

My boys have a bright future as car salesman!

Well today was the big yard sale! The boys decided on cookies as the choice of money making this year which worked out well for their stomachs lol. But they made sure to greet every person that came up to our sale with " HI would you like to buy a cookie?" then followed quickly by, " I can see your eyeing that truck over there, its only a 3$ but its in great shape." lol I was rolling with laughter inside to see my little men fast at work ... getting money for themselves. At any rate it went well, I made about 130$ Antonio made 30$, Devin 20$ and Wyatt got a 4yr olds wish 5$ for candy! I made out with a really bad sunburn on my face but over all we had fun, the boys and me past the time by playing with a talking ball the tells you who to pass it to like hot potato. So later if you need a car... come on down, I have a feeling we will be able to get you a great deal! lol